Data Quality Management (DQM) is more often than not considered to be the method of enhancing business through collection and analysis of data to eventually aid decision making. The key intended purpose of data quality management is to ensure creation of optimum value for the consumer. Data analysis, statistical models, a wide array of quantitative and qualitative methods – all are dependent upon the data quality. The DQM Program should be implemented by all organizations as it helps them to stay ahead of the competition by quickly adapting to the changing market conditions. Product and marketing strategies are successful on the back of high data quality. We get trusted results only when we have high data quality. 

Then the question to be answered is who is responsible for the Data Quality Management. This question can become overwhelming unless there is clarity on the aspect of ownership in data quality management, viewed from the perspective of teams. Speaking of which, in DQM two of the most important teams are IT and Business Analysts. However, the fact remains that despite seemingly common objectives towards Enterprise Data Management, Information Technology (IT) and Business Analysts are two distinct entities responsible for DQM. So, let’s discuss in brief, the Role of IT Team and Business Analysts in Data Quality Management. 

Whenever any Data Issue is identified, efforts are required to make sure the recurrence of the same issue in the future is avoided as much as possible. Any issue that is identified cannot be seen purely as a Data entry Issue. Instead, we need to see whether this kind of issue can be rectified by a change in Application Design or by adding/changing a validation rule or a Data Readiness related Issue. Finally, classified as a Data entry issue if this is not falling in any one of the above categories.

Application design

Applications are designed to address various Business scenarios. There are instances where a data issue can be plugged by altering the design. This change can be as simple as a field configuration related such as making the field as optional or mandatory or as a list box to prevent keying in incorrect data or it can be a big change that involves modification to the Business process execution.

  • Business analysts: Responsible for providing the detailed design related to the Business scenario. This should have details about each, and every Business process and the various data elements required to execute that process.
  • IT Team: Responsible for Implementing the Business processes. The IT Team should go in depth and analyze the Business processes to foresee the issues. Adding more flexibility to the design can be a step towards maintaining the sanctity of data.

Data Validations

  • Various validations are added in the applications to prevent Business analysts from inputting any incorrect data entries. These validations also provide necessary information to the user when the data entered is not in the required format. It is not possible to enter all the required data for a business process at one go. But there should be processes in place to identify these types of incomplete records.
  • Business Analyst – Responsible for providing the details relevant to the field properties or the field combinations.
  • IT Team: Responsible for setting up a process for validating the data entered by the Business analyst and letting them know if the entered value fails to meet any of the criteria.

Data Readiness

From time to time, the IT Team should set up processes to make sure the data is Business ready to execute the latest business / product strategies. Sometimes, it might be the case that data is relevant for the product/Business strategy that was set up at that time, but the same may not be valid for the current business strategies. Maintaining or updating the data on a timely basis is important for the business to implement their strategies. 

  • Business Analysts– Should provide all the details about marketing strategies and how those are executed. Also, it is good to identify all the fields which will be impacted by such Business strategies. Business analysts are also responsible to populate data in a timely manner.
  • IT Team – IT team needs to set up a process to identify all the fields which are not relevant for the current Business strategies. Once all such types of data are identified, the IT Team should set up a workflow enabled process to remind the Business users when it isn’t entered / updated on-time. This is also critical considering the fact that all such data is time sensitive and critical for Business strategies. 

Data Entry Issue

If the identified data issue cannot be classified into any of the above three categories, then it can be a purely data entry issue. Misinformation or lack of sufficient knowledge can lead to such data entry issues. Identifying such issues is a little complex – both IT & Business analysts need to work together to reduce the Impact of such data entry issues.

  • Business Analyst: It is also quite not possible to enter the right data all the time for the Business analyst. Business Analysts should come forward and document all such cases as and when they are Identified. 
  • IT Team: IT Team is responsible for analyzing the data and creating reports. All these reports should be properly categorized and documented so that Business analysts understand and see value out of it. Each report should have all the relevant fields so that the user gets sufficient information relevant to it at one place.

Thus, as can be seen Business Analysts and IT Teams have their own distinct roles to play in an organization that are different, yet heavily reliant on one another. Maintaining high Data Quality cannot be achieved by either of the divisions on their own. Neither is it ever possible for either the IT Team to perform all of the tasks that come with the role of Business Analysts and vice-versa. If high data quality has to be achieved, collaboration and partnership between IT Team and Business Analysts is absolutely essential.